Taurisci (Was:Re: Kossack's Conclusions)

From: tgpedersen
Message: 55784
Date: 2008-03-23

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, george knysh <gknysh@...> wrote:
> --- tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> >
> > Is there any archaeological sense in which they [the
> > Taurisci GK] are (Przeworsk) Germani?
> ****GK: The Taurisci of Noricum were La Tene as to
> material culture. While Przeworsk counts as one of the
> "LaTenized" cultures of eastern Europe (along with
> Zarubyntsi, Poeneshti-Lukashovka and others). La Tene
> is as Continental Celtic as it gets. Przeworsk(et
> al.)would exhibit some La Tene influence,but would
> otherwise be easily distinguishable from La Tene
> proper.****

So I guess, given geography, whatever Latène influence is discernible
in Przeworsk, it would have come from the Taurisci (those Celtic
cultures to the west in Thuringia etc the Przeworskers were later to
overrun were not solidly Celtic)?
