Re: Re[5]: [tied] Re: dhuga:ter

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 55591
Date: 2008-03-21

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian M. Scott

>>>> I wouldn't be surprised if it was precisely senex ~
>>>> senem what led Martinet to look into the matter of
>>>> laryngeal hardening in the first place.

>>>> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal

>> You are supposed to be
>> a reliable serious IE expert.
>> You claim you read Martinet
>> and you wrote "I wouldn't be surprised..."

>> I have to contradict you once again,
>> No, this is not true,
>> it's obvious you did not read him,

> I doubt it. Can you quote a passage in which Martinet
> explains what led him to investigate laryngeal hardening?
> If not, then Miguel's 'I wouldn't be surprised' comment
> says absolutely nothing about whether he's read Martinet
> or not.

> Martinet, 1975, Evolution des langues et reconstruction,
> PUF, Paris.

> P148

> "les formes indo-européennes en -a:k
> et leurs thématisations en -a:ko- paraissent
> désigner surtout des êtres masculins,
> on est amené à penser que -k- est apparu
> dans des contextes particuliers aux masculins.
> Ceci évoque les masculins en -a:- du grec,
> avec leur -s# de nominatif singulier,
> s'opposant aux féminins sans -s#.
> Ce serait donc devant la désinence -s
> du nominatif singulier que H2,
> phonétiquement quelque fricative dorso-vélaire,
> se serait durci en -k- alors qu'il tendait
> à s'affaiblir partout ailleurs."

Which says absolutely nothing relevant. You are still
failing to distinguish (1) exposition of a hypothesis from
(2) the train of thought that led to the hypothesis in the
first place. As those of us who have published academic
papers know, they are usually very different.


Dear Brian,

I understand that nobody likes
to be caught "wrong".

If you had ever read Martinet,
(I discovered you did not)
and if Miguel ever had read him,
(I maintain he obviously did not)
you would know that Martinet
tends to have pet ideas :
One of them is
the idea that H2-s > -k-s
in some cases like Masc -H2-s
becoming -k-s accounting
for adjectives -a(:)k-s
Martinet has repeatedly stated
that again and again.

If you have read Martinet
you don't write
"I wouldn't be surprised"

It like saying
I read Shakespeare, *of course*
I wouldn't be surprised
it was written in English.

No comments.

Last but not least,

Could you please discard
once and for all
your condescending tone
when you talk to me ?

You have been proved weak
you lack having read Martinet.
So read him
instead of trying to belittle
somebody else.

