Re: Post-Postscript on Przeworsk

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 55065
Date: 2008-03-12

----- Original Message -----
From: tgpedersen

Bomhard: Indo-European and the Nostratic hypothesis
PN *k'wad-/*k'w&d- "to form, to fashion, to build" >
PK *k'wed- "to build", *k'wedel- "wall";
PAA *k'wad-/*k'w&d- "to form, to fashion, to build";
PD *kut.i "house, hut, abode"

Est. kodu, - "home"

Cf. German Kotte, Eng cot, cottage

which could also be reconstructed from this word family.

I'm not ready to buy this.

Reconstructed ??
Georgian is kedeli
I can't see how it can be from *k?wedel.

PU does not exist.
The data points toward multiple loanwords.


Further (found ibd. when searching for 'house'):
Proto-Yenisseian: *?a(?)t-

Sino-Caucasian etymology:
North Caucasian: *?ö´nc_w&

Meaning: door, part of the house before the door

Ket: atto5,6 , pl. attón ( < atto:n3) 'part of the house before the door'

Yug: atnto5, pl. atnton5 'part of the house before the door'

Kottish: athol, *atho:l, pl. atho:lan,, (Bol.) atol 'door'; Ass. áto:l
(M., Sl., Kl., F.), atu:l (Kl.), atol (Srsl.) id.; Koib. ato:l (F.) id.

Arin: éjtó:l (M., Kl., Sl., F.), ejtol (Srsl.), éjto:l (Sl.2), ejtól
(F.), itel (Losk.) 'door'

Comments: SSE 179. Already in PY we have a compound of *?at- with a
not quite clear second component (*-to or *-tol *tor1: cf. perhaps
Ket. to:l´ "wattle fence"?). Similarity with Hung. ajtó 'door'
(Xelimskiy KS 248), is probably coincidental (or represents an old
"Hunnic" loanword in Hungarian). Werner 1, 80.

anta, -ae (usité surtout au pl. antae, -a:rum) f.: antes, piliers qui
encadrent la porte; contreforts, pilastres. Correspond au gr.
para-stádes, cf. Rich s.u. Ancien (Lex Puteol. 105 av. J.-C.}.
Conservé dans les dial. italiens, cf. M.L.492.
Cf. skr. á:ta:h. (au fém. pluriel) "encadrement de la porte (avec a:-
issu de n + &, c'est-à-dire *n,: ), et le dérivé avestique a,iþyâ
(même sens). L'arménien a dr-and et le dérivé dr-andi "encadrement de
porte". On rapproche aussi v.isl. o,nd "vestibule". - Le lat. antae
n'a pas trace de la forme dissyllabique *an&t- attendue d'après la
forme védique.

This is much more interesting.

With should -tor not just be *ter/tor ?

Hungarian has not clear etymology
and looks like Arin !
