Re: Re[4]: [tied] Re: *a/*a: ablaut

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 54379
Date: 2008-03-01

>How many words like *ye:kwr exist ?
>A number: *yé:kWr.(t), *yikWnós (*yékWnos) (*lé:pr.(t),
>*lipnós) "liver" [Skt. yá:kr.t, yáknas], *pé:r(r), *pr.nés
>"house" [Hitt. pi:r, parnas], *k^é:rd, *k^r.dés "heart"
>[Hitt. kir, [kardiyas]; Arm sirt], *d(h)é:g^ho:m,
>*d(h)g^hmós, coll. *d(h)g^hó:m "earth" [Hitt. te:kan,
>tagnas], perhaps *g^hwé:r "wild animal" [Grk. thé:r, Lith
>z^ve:rís], etc.

I've started making a compilation
of the examples you have provided so far.

A *striking* feature of all words
is they end with -r,
Their structure is Cer-

*yekw does not end with -r
but what is the Anatolian reflex ?

*dh-ghom does not
but it is so unclear
that I won't make any
conclusion out of it.

What other words do you have ?

