Re: Finnish KASKA

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 53692
Date: 2008-02-19

Very clever but you reveal your ignorance again:

Look for ex. at appi 'father-in-law'. jousi 'bow', kalki 'hair, down
straw', koski 'rapids' and kusi 'urine' and their reconstruction in
the table:
Ponder and learn.

And 'kaski' was of course not PU, it was borrowed in the west later.


You are blithely taking
standard PU reconstructions for gold.
Some associations of vowels are impossible :

a > a
a_i > ä_i

o > o
o _i > ö_i

u > u
u_i > y_i

Western PU has the same kind of umlaut
as German has.
But this does not apply to Kant / MAns

Your reconstruction with final -i
and a o u
as main vowels are just impossible.
