Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Ar

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 52847
Date: 2008-02-12

When I took Arabic many years ago the professor
claimed the term "Arab" came from 'irab "to declare"
(vel sim) --i.e. the idea that Arabic is "clear
speech". He showed me a history of the Arabic language
that supported this remark (c. 1970s). This sounds a
bit ethnocentric but there are other languages that
have similar names" e.g. Tojolabal "true speech",
Nahuatl "clear speech" (although there are other
interpretations), etc.

--- "fournet.arnaud" <fournet.arnaud@...>

> ***
> For semantic reason, I believe the *H2 of 'mountain'
> is [?] while
> the *H2 for 'Aryan' is [h].
> ***
> It seems you gave up the notion that H1 is [?]
> Good news.
> Arnaud
> ===================
> ***
> I agree that the likliest embarkation spot for PIE's
> to Europe is Anatolia.
> I suspect strongly that ¿-r-b is related to Egyptian
> j3b(.t), 'east', and
> they are being characterized as 'Easterners'.
> Yet another *H2-r.
> Patrick
> =============
> It's hard to believe Arabs could take their name
> from people they have - about never - met at all.
> And j is either yod or ?Alif not &ayin.
> This root also means left
> Coptic eiebt < *ju3bat-
> Arnaud
> ===============

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