Re: Evoluation and History of Human Populations in South Asia

From: Patrick Ryan
Message: 52712
Date: 2008-02-11

The Out of India question is important to Indians; do it, I say , as long as
they use science to advocate it, be my guest.

I think Mr. Kelkar notably is attempting to do just that.

If you think that genes determining behavior "went out with the Nazis", you
are completely wrong outside of the politically correct and truth-stifling
atmosphere of major American and some European universities.

Geneticists are doing their thing, making great progress in locating problem
genes, and are gradually forming hypotheses that may help to make our world
a little less chaotic.

Any sensible person with the means will consult before marriage with a
genetic consultant to make sure unfortunate children will not be born to
suffer through the union.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick McCallister" <gabaroo6958@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Evoluation and History of Human Populations in South

> I was actually responding to the Out of India shiznatz
> My view is that DNA is just part of a puzzle
> But I don't believe in deterministic genetics
> That went out with the Nazis
> --- Patrick Ryan <proto-language@...> wrote:
