Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 52660
Date: 2008-02-11

*h1ek^wo- is at any rate older than the Satem shift
> Piotr
> ================
> I definitely disagree with this assertion ...
> Arnaud
> ===================

Why? The *k^ is treated as expected in all the branches that have the
word. A more recent loan would not behave like that.

We have already discussed this word.

Cf. Greek *yikwos < Tokharian yakw
Cf. Anatolian from Iranian.

This word does not even correspond
in a clean way within IE languages
It does not qualify for cognacy.

I'm grateful for the Procustean Myth,
Ready to apply this to other cases than mine.

