Re[2]: [tied] -leben/-lev/-löv and -ung-

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 50742
Date: 2007-12-07

At 10:35:49 AM on Friday, December 7, 2007, fournet.arnaud wrote:

> What we have is :
> - three forms : leben, lev, löv
> - two areas
> We don't know what kind of places
> these forms are used to name,
> and whether they apply to a homogeneous class
> of place-names.
> What could be the meaning of this *L_V word ?

> Arnaud

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: tgpedersen
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 10:02 PM
> Subject: [Courrier indésirable] [tied] -leben/-lev/-löv and -ung-

> I've uploaded (folder -leben,-lev,-löv and -ung-) two maps from
> Udolph: Namenkundliche Studien zum Germanenproblem,
> showing the distribution, repectively, of names in -leben,-lev,-löv
> and in -ung-.
> I'd like to point out that in Germania they almost don't overlap, but
> are concentrated in two large lumps opposing each other west of
> Thuringia. Both name types are concentrated west of the river Elbe.
> Further there is a large gap between the -leben names in Thuringia and
> environs and the -lev/-löv names of southern Scandinavia. All this
> fits in nicely with a theory that the -leben/-lev/-löv names belong to
> the languages of invaders from the east, who later gave up their
> territory when Germania became a Roman province up to the Elbe, moving
> to southern Scandinavia to claim new land (many of the non-Christian
> PNs that make up the first element of the -leben names recur in the
> -lev/-löv names, as if the same guy had claimed land twice), and that
> the -ung- names are older, possibly Vasconic/Old European (?, cf
> relevant since the place name suffix *-ing- is homonymous with the
> Germanic verbal noun suffix *-ing- (does in exist in Gothic?) and
> could have been derived similarly.

> Beside many examples of placenames in -ung- with opaque first
> elements, Udolph has also
> Usingen, 8th cent. Osinga, Osungen, Osanga, Oasunge;
> Uhry, 1022 Wurungen, Wurungon, ca. 1150 Uerincge, 1318 Vringe
> Wasungen, 874 Uuasunga
> of which the first element seems to be *was-, *wo:s- "wasteland"
> and the discussion starting at

> which I (following Venneman) also suspect of being
> Vasconic/Old European

> Torsten
