Re: [tied] "stump," "stub," "shortened," "stunted," "blunt"

From: alex
Message: 49029
Date: 2007-06-16

tolgs001 schrieb:
> Key words: "stump", "stub", "cut off (part/tip); cut short; stunted",
> "blunt"
> Ger. /Stamm/ "trunk, stem"
> Ger. /Stumpf/ "stump, stub; blunt" (< AHD /stumpf/ < germ. /*stumb/ <
> PIE /*stemb/ "Pfosten Baumstumpf")
> Ger. /Stummel/ "stub" (< MHD /stummel, stumbel/ < AHD /stumbal/
> "abgeschnittenes Stück, Stumpf")
> #

I don't know if your intention was to list just some words or if you
think the family of Germanic "stump" is related to Rum/Alb
"ciont/syt". By myself, I fail to see any phonetical relationship
here, there is nothing, but nothing which phoneticaly should bind
the words together.

I will like to add here, the only one thing which will fit with the
German family of "stumpf" should be Rum. "tâmp" with the meaning of
"not having many clues..." or "dull" or same as in German. DEX & Co
see this word as a loan one from Slavic "tonpU" and there is
reminded the Hungarian "tompa" as well. Funny enough, the Germanic
and Romanian forms have the same "mp/mf""


> cf. Rum. /tâmp/ "blunt"; Slav. /tonpû/; Hung. /tompa/ [tompO]
> (cf. Rum. /Tâmpa/, a hill near the city of Bra$ov/Kronstadt/Brassó)
> cf. Rum. /tâmp & tâmpit/ "simpleton, stupid, dullard"
> cf. Ger. /stumpfsinnig/ (The Ger. family name /Stumpf/ usually from a
> nickname meaning stumpfsinnig "clumsy, simpleton". Actually verbatim
> translateable into Rum. as /tâmp(it)/.)

oh yes, you rememer them; actuall we remain here. "tâmp" can be seen
in the same family as Germanic "stumpf". The "ciut" & Co does not
belong here.

