Re: [tied] Re: Romanian APA

From: Piotr Gąsiorowski
Message: 48518
Date: 2007-05-10

alexandru_mg3 wrote:

> Yes, I suspect so : the p/q-Dialects represent a continous alternance
> from Atlantic, Italic Peninsula till Balkans etc...

So what is the root noun *Ha:p-/*H(a)p- (*h2o(:)p-/*h2(a)p-) doing in
Indo-Iranian? Would you include Anatolian (Hitt. hapa- 'river', hapa:i-
'pour water over', Luw. hapa:t(i)- 'irrigeted land', Lyc. xbai-
'irrigate' in your 'etc.'?

> The presence of PIE aKWa together with apa is another hint for such
> an old alternance kW/p...

It could "hint" at other things, e.g. the non-identity of *h2ap- and the
root of *h2ákW-a-h2 etc. (whatever the correct reconstruction).
