Re: IE *ko- + *w- > PAlb *kw- > Alb /f/

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 48292
Date: 2007-04-09

--- In, Sean Whalen <stlatos@...> wrote:
> --- Abdullah Konushevci <akonushevci@...> wrote:
> > form *ko- + *wo:-n-yo > PAlb kwo:nja:. Greek verbal
> > name ate 'fault,
> > guilt, blame', aaein 'to insult, harm, injure'.
> > (Pokorny 1. wa:-
> > 1108.)
> > Cluster *k(o)-w- seems to be
> > treated as *gwh-.
> > (Pokorny 2. weik- 1128.)
> I'd consider the possibility that PIE *ksom
> underwent changes such as:
> m>0/V_w
> V>0/ [various]
> ks>x/_G
> kw>p
> xw>f
Dear Sean,
If I understood you well, you claim that m become 0 if preceded by
vowel (V) and followed by semivowel (w). Later you claim that vowel
become 0 in various contexts (I'm not sure about it)? Your third
step is that cluster *ks > h if preceded by _ and G (I don't
understand what you mean by this symbol). Your fourth step is kw > p
and final one xw > f.
Thinking further about this, I think that EPAlb (Early Proto-
Albanian) form was *kw-, that was voiced in PAlb *gw-, but taking
into consideration that many roots begin with laryngeal, I have a
feeling that we have to deal with analogy levelling of cluster *gWh-
and *gHw- in inital position.
