Re: Fun with prenasalized stops.txt

From: tgpedersen
Message: 47241
Date: 2007-02-04

--- In, Jens Elmegård Rasmussen <elme@...> wrote:
> --- In, "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@> wrote:
> > Now, if this NVAsgDu *-nW was true, the condition that the
> > o-variant of the thematic vowel appears before voiced consonant
> > could be strengthened to 'before nasal', except for the
> > troublesome Nsgm *-os. Jens has proposed that it was actually
> > *-oz, with a unique /z/, but how about *-oNs?
> There would still be -o- before /y/ in the pronominal *tóy
> and the optative *bhéro-yH1-t, and before /d/ in the neuter *tód.
> Also, pronominal adverbs show *-o-dhi, *-o-bhi and *-o-r. We also
> seem to have *-o- in the 1.du. *-o-we.

The latter would be *-o-nWe in that case. *toy and *tod are composite,
made up of *t- and *-oy and *-od (that's why it's so easy to 'adopt
the pronominal endings', they are a separate word). If voiced stops
are pre-nasalized (which in practice would mean that they count as
nasals), the latter would be *t-oNd. *-oy one might try to save as *-o-nY.
*-or is supposedly from *-on anyway, and occurs in locatives (I
suppose that's the one you're thinking of?). If those are endingless
locatives, one might argue that the pronominal stem was not *i/e/o but
*Vn, which would separate its fate from that of the thematic vowel.
