Re: Slavic endings

From: Peter P
Message: 46171
Date: 2006-09-22

--- In, "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> Which goes to imply that perhaps to speakers of Finnic, absence
> of a distinction between Nsg and Asg was rather ordinary.
> Torsten

In Finnish the accusative and nominative plural endings are the same,
-t. In sentences in the imperative mood the nominative and accusative
sing. are endingless. In non-imperative sentences the accusative sing
and gen. sing. share the same ending, -n.

Not everyone agrees that there is an accusative case in Finnish,
except for 7 pronouns all of which end in -t in the accusative.

Aja auto tänne! - Drive the car here.
Hän ajaa auton tänne - He will drive the car here.
He ajavat hänet tänne - They will drive him here.

auto - the nominative or endingless looking accusative.
auton - the genitive looking form.
hänet - one of the 7 pronouns that appear in the accusative.

Peter P