Re: [tied] Distribution of Laryngeals

From: P&G
Message: 45788
Date: 2006-08-20

>examples of PIE words beginning with HC,
>where C is a non-sonorant and the cluster doesn't arise from a
>zero-grading? What if the condition on C is relaxed somewhat to
>include *l?

h2ger gather
h2sews become dry
h3sleidH slide
There are supposed to be a further four of the form HCeR, one HCHC, and one
HCC, but I can't find them.

h1leig' limp, move
h1lengH smear
h1le(n)gWH light in wiweght or movement
h1leud move
h2leg worry about
h2leks protect
h2leu keep away
h2leh1 grind
h2leiH smear

I haven't checked which of these are zero-grade - you can do that yourself.
I also have a listing for:
h1dent bite
h1dont tooth
but these are fairly obviously related to h1ed.
