Re: [tied] Slavic endings

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 45669
Date: 2006-08-09

On Wed, 09 Aug 2006 14:54:32 +0200, Piotr Gasiorowski
<gpiotr@...> wrote:

>On 2006-08-08 22:47, Andrew Jarrette wrote:
>> 3. What is the origin of Common Slavic *-u the dative singular of
>> o-stems? How can this go back to *-o:i?
>It seems that *o:i (with a long diphthong resulting from contraction)
>went to Slavic *-u when in absolute Auslaut and to *-y when followed by
>*-s (as in the ending *-o:is). There may have been a time when
>the reflex of the diphthong was a mid-high long vowel *[o:] which was
>raised to *-u: > *-y before *-s but otherwise merged with the
>monophthongised reflex of *-au/*-ou. Lithuanian has -ui for *-o:i, which
>also shows the raising influence of the final glide.

I doubt this last remark. It seems to me that -ui is the
regular reflex of circumflex *-uoi, like -uN is the regular
reflex of *-uo~N (Gpl), by the same soundlaw that reduces
long (circumflex) diphtongs elsewhere e.g. Dsg. a:-stems
*-a:~i > -ai.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal