PIE Formation Q/A (2)

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 44004
Date: 2006-03-30

> Piotr wrote:
>The addition of a suffix may result in changing the vocalism of the
>immediate derivational base. In particular, a suffix with a full vowel
>usually "steals" the accent from the stem, causing the latter to lose
>its vowel. Thus from the root *pleh1- 'fill' we get the verbal
>adjective *pl.h1-nĂ³- 'full'.

This well explains the aparition of the nil-grades in PIE.
But what explanation could we have for the apparition of the o-grades?
More specific:
- based on what rules an o-grade appears ? and why we do not
always have a nil-grade, for example?

An additional question:
Some of the prefixes always trigerred o-grades ? Some others
always nil-grades? Are there others that keep the root (and the
stressed pattern) unchanged (based on what I know, yes)? What are the
rules that trigerred these differences?


P>S> I really think that there is 'o-grade issue' in the current PIE