Re: [tied] Rounding (was: Greek labiovelars)

From: Anders R. Joergensen
Message: 43904
Date: 2006-03-17

--- In, Sean Whalen <stlatos@...> wrote:
> > You don't get rounding in, e.g. ech 'horse' < *exWa-
> > < *ekWo-. Or is
> > that not what you're saying?
> No, I was wondering if V>u in the same position
> before final Cu and gW/kW etc. I think the -a would
> prevent or restore e>i>e there.
> I think I found an example, OIr escung "fen-snake" <
> * h2angWHis / h2ngWHis? where it seems the vowel is
> rounded due to following CW not u.

escung 'eel' is an n-stem, escongan. The ended in *-u: <
PIE *-o:(n). This produces u-infection.