Dacian & Proto-Albanian outputs of PIE *r., *r.h1, *r.h2, *r.h3

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 43731
Date: 2006-03-08

> alex wrote
> ( not the nill grade, thi one should yeld *prâce, not price).


Sorry but I need to disagree with you here:

a) we have CriS /krish/ not CrãS in Romanian < nil-grade *kWrs-yo-
'Black River'

b) we have krimb /krimb/ in Albanian not krëmb < *kWrm-i- 'worm'


In conclusion: PIE *r. /without any laryngeal > Dacian/PAlb ri

PAlb/Dacian rules are:
r. > ir~ri => see Romanian CriS < Dacian Krisja < *kWrs-yo 'Black

rh2 > ru~ur =>
Alb. grurë < Dacian gruna < PIE *g'rh2-no 'grain'
Rom. grui <-> Alb gur < Dacian grui < PIE *gWrh2-i 'mountain'

rh3 > ra~ar =>
see Alb. parë < PIE *prh3-wo 'first'

rh1 > ra~ar =>
see Rom barzã <->Alb. bardhë < PIE *bHrh1g'-(r)o 'white'

We have similar rules for l :
l > li,
lh2 > lu~ul
lh3 > la~al
lh1 > la~al

II) On the other hand the Slavic outputs are :
r., rh1, rh2, rh3 > &r
l., lh1, lh2, lh3 > &l

As an example Rom. bârlog is a Slavic loan in Romanian from OCS
bUrlogU etc...

So the basic distinction between Slavic Loans and Substratual words
in Romanian in relation with the PIE nil-grades is:

a) whenever we have an âr,ãr,âl,ãl in Romanian from a 'possible PIE
nil-grade' is a Slavic loan in Romanian (of course we have some
other contextual rule as exceptions too: see a/n>â or a/m+C>â etc...)

b) whenever we have ir~ri,ar~ra,ur~ru,*il~*li,al~la,*ul~*lu in
Romanian from a 'possible nil-grade' this belong to a Substratual
(Dacian/PAlb) word

NOTE: of course not to exclude also the Romanian Latin words too.



From here some possible derivations too subject of 'dispute' here:

*prk'-(i)no 'request, question' > Rom. pricin& /pric^in&/
*prk'-yo 'request, question' > Rom. prici /pric^i/ > Rom. price


*g'Hlh3-bh-ino 'yellow-greenish' > Dacian/PAlb *galbina > Latin
galbinus [see Rom. galben 'yellow' <-> Alb gjelbër 'green' ]