Re: [tied] PIE prek'- ; prok' ; prk'- 'to ask'

From: alex
Message: 43730
Date: 2006-03-08

george knysh schrieb:

> ****GK: I see no reason to hold that "pric^ina" took
> this route. It was already there.****

oh.... so, we have two languages which got each an word which looks
very appropiate (if not identical) but each language developed by
itself that word? I assume you don't. And I assume you have nothing
to say against Latin "per que" > "price". Incidentaly the variant
which Marius sustains, IE "prek^" will yeld phoneticaly the same
result( not the nill grade, thi one should yeld *prĂ¢ce, not price).
So, why should I guess this is a loan from Slavic? Slavic has no
price at all.
