Re: [tied] PIE prek'- ; prok' ; prk'- 'to ask'

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 43726
Date: 2006-03-08

--- In, alex <alxmoeller@...> wrote:
> alexandru_mg3 schrieb:
> >
> > b) Finally, I cannot see how we can arrived to Romanian
> > pricinĂ£ '(bad) cause, dispute, trouble, inquiry' from a PIE 'to
> > arrange' whatever loan path we could imagine...using or not the
> > preffix 'at'.
> >
> > Marius
> take a look at the form which now is obsolete and not used anymore
> "price". It appears to me the word is the root for pricina/
> suffixed with "ina" but this one is given as being derivate from
> another Slavic word "prituc^a" which phoneticaly seems very
> So, if there is an "price" then what is this? Having the "pri"
> that doesnt mean this is slavic, see "pricepe" considered as
> derived from Latin percipere. If this is true, then "price" is
> Latin question "per que"= why. thus the question "perque > price,
> meant "why" and was was perceveid ( hei, it is the same word !!!)
> "which is the reason of it?", thus the sense "reason "is explained.
> Agree?
> Alex

I'm glad that you understand as I understand too: that 'pricina'
arrived in a natural way from a question,demand,raised-item finaly
from an "why?".

But seems there is another world near us where 'problem, issue' can
be derived from 'to arrange' :)

Now 'just imagine' that the PIE root for 'to ask' is prek'- and
it's zero grade *pr'k'-(i) gave in Romanian pric^ as *kWrs-ja gave
Crish etc...So no need for per-que here...

I wanted to ask Sergei too, if there is a word 'price' in Russian?
