Re: [tied] melken, Milch, Molke [Re: Of cows and living]

From: Patrick Ryan
Message: 43526
Date: 2006-02-22

----- Original Message -----
From: tgpedersen
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:35 AM
Subject: [tied] melken, Milch, Molke [Re: Of cows and living]


The association of OC *lak "kumiss" and OC *lyak "feed (animal);
lick", and afaIk also archaeology seems to indicate that cows were
the first to be milked.

In my opinion, this is an absolutely unsupportable conclusion and totally illogical.
"kumiss" is always primarily associated with _fermented_ mare's milk; the alcoholic part of the definition is essential.
Does 'milking cows' predate recorded milking of sheep and goats in Sumer? I do not think so.
"licking" has no semantic relationship with 'nursing, suckling' or 'milking'.