searching for common words for all today's languages

From: ytielts
Message: 43229
Date: 2006-02-03

Is there anyone who knows where to find the common words for all
today's languages? I haave just learned from this group that the
Chinese word <quan> is correspondent with the latin root<aqua>. This is
really fascinating. Is there any information available for the
correspondent sound roots in the superfamily of Eurasian(60,000-40,000
years ago as proposed by Merritt Ruhlen in 1944), from which some big
language families such as Afro-Asiatic, Eurasiatic including
indoeuropean languages and Dene-Caucasian involving Chinese, my first
language, by the way, are believed to derive by the main stream
genetists like Cavalli-sforza, Peter Underhill(both are the
authoritative genetists working with the HGP) and linguists like
Merritt Ruhlen? Thanks for some reliable referrences.