Re: The personal pronouns of PIE (and other families) are loans

From: g
Message: 42981
Date: 2006-01-16

> In other words 'sloppy' dialectal German is close to standard Dutch
> (I should insert here the standard caveat that this does any bias on
> my part etc etc)? That would mean that more or less 'creolised'
> versions exist all over the Germanic-speaking area, they are just
> valuated on the basis of sets of different sociological parameters.

I don't know whether 'creolised'. I'd rather say it's... natural.
I.e., transformation processes; that made PIE => Germanic;
Germanic => OHG => MHG => new German dialects. In similar ways
to those that made aqua => French [o:].

Due to... laziness. :-) (Die Menschen sind nun mal... mundfaul. :-))
[e.g. in Bavarian <sind> => <san(d)> [san(d); always [s], never
[z]); <mal> => <moi> [moj] / <Schauen wir (ein)mal> => <Schaugn
mer amoi> ['$augnm@...]] / Shortening example for opposite
realms of the "Reich": [vat is dat fö@... aR$!?], [vat mut, dat
mut; vat küt, dat küt] :-) (mutt "must", kütt "kommt")

> der > de means the collapse of the case system for the feminine
> gender, such as is the case in Dutch (and Platt).

Wennde sagst... :-) [here, the... suffixal -de means <du> "thou;
you"]. But typical of middle & northern dialects only.

> Torsten
