[tied] Re: h1,h2,h3 => Albanian rh2 > ru ~ ur and Alb. gur

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 42619
Date: 2005-12-22

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "alexandru_mg3" <alexandru_mg3@...>

> It's not ad-hoc : it's all related to the presence or r and not
> that we have in : i parë (Rom. "i" primu' :))
> The proof for *pra-wá is the single r here : first because rw >
> is well attested despite your doubts (and appears not only in arrë)
> (but 'we know' also lw > ll and usually both appears in parallel)...
> And, and "here's the rough..." for you..."that"....in Addition
> intervocalic -r- > rr (together with intervocalic -l- > ll (and
> on the topic) with the Romanian rothacism -l- > r)).
> So if you "will try to avoid" rw > rr (that is obvious in my
> opinion) is not enough => you will need next to avoid also "V-r-V >
> rr" ...that is 'too much' (or in the best variant for you, you will
> discover a new rule)
> So either you will explain the r here or your solution is not
> ok...

And saying this maybe is the time now to 'clarify' also Albanian gur
(ë) 'stone' < PIE *gwrH-i weak-grade of PIE *gwerH-i 'mountain'

Due to its r (and not rr) we cannot have here an old intervocalic r
in gurë so 'the lengthening' idea related to the apparition of its u
is not at all ok, Piotr...we cannot reconstruct : a PAlb *gur-i or a
reshaped PAlb *gur-a because intervocalic r gave rr in PAlb.

Showing this 'for sure' that the weak-resulting-form in PAlb/Dacian?
was *gru-í- and the methathesis ru > ur generated quite 'recently'
Albanian gur (the full-resulting-form was PAlb?/Dacian giri- (see the
attested Giridava : Dacian giri < PIE *gwerh2-i)

In addition the Romanian word grui 'peak, top, smal hill' is 'also
here to testify' for the original PAlb/Dacian? form: *gru-i


"GRUI, gruiuri (gruie), s.n. (Reg.) 1. Pisc sau coastã de deal. 2.
Deal mic; colinã-1, deluSor, movilã. – Et. nec. "

So we talk here as in parë about the vocalization of the laryngeal in
an r-context not about the vocalization of the resonant.

In addition based on the output that is ru~ur I strongly suspect rh2
> ur~ur as in PIE *gr.h2no > grurë etc...

PIE *gwrh2-i (weak-grade of *gwerh2- mountain') > [gw>g] > *grh2-i
[rh2>ru] > PAlb *gru-i (> Rom. grui) > [Cru/not-stressed > Cur (in
fact is more general than this] PAlb *gur-i > Alb gur(ë)


P>S> Abdullah, I think that I'm the first that said this, so now is
the right moment to come back with a virulent critic here....:)