Re: [tied] h1,h2,h3 in Albanian

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 42562
Date: 2005-12-20

On 12/20/05, Piotr Gasiorowski <gpiotr@...> wrote:
alexandru_mg3 wrote:

For example, the
'plough' root (mentioned under *a:-) can't contain *-(a)h2; it's one of
the showcase examples of root-final *h3, cf. Gk. árotron < *h2arh3-trom
(later in the list the correct form is given).
Thanks for rereading it in PIEML

The root of 'lead, drive'
is *h2ag^-, not *h1ag^-. If it were the latter, it would have no o-grade
derivatives like Gk. ógmos < *h2og^-mo- (Skt. ájma-).
In "The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European roots' by Calvert Watkins (second edition, page 1) you will find: *ag- (Oldest form *H1ag'-)

Many of the roots
are cited in their "laryngeal-free" form (e.g. *aiw-/*ayu- 'vital force,
Indeed, according to Watkins, root *aiw-/*ayu- have their laryngeal form *H2eiw-/*H2eyo-, colored to *H2aiw-/*H2ayu-
*a:ter- 'fire', *aus- 'shine'). This might be OK in an informal
presentation or when referring to entries in Pokorny's dictionary
(published half a century ago and too conservative even for its time),
but such antiquated reconstructions simply hinder the proper
understanding of PIE paradigms and word-formation rules.
In AHDIER there are not registred any traces of laryngeals. I know that you give some reconstructed form, that was too complicated and I can't remember now. Sorry, but I was unsure about the presence of any laryngeal, even it could be *-aH2 form or something like that.


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