Re: [tied] "Niggers of India"

From: george knysh
Message: 42524
Date: 2005-12-16

--- Patrick Ryan <proto-language@...> wrote:

> What this obviously refers to is the frightening
> reddish-streaked eyeballs
> of many native Africans. The first time I saw this,
> I thought the poor man
> was terminally pickled in alcohol.

****GK: How inobservant of me... I'll have to have a
closer look at some of my students (:=)))*****
> Now, what was more 'evident'? His frightening eyes?
> or his coal-black skin?

****GK: At least the Latins finally got it right,
didn't they? Since "aethiops" soon became the
antithesis of "albus". Curious how both "lockless" re
"niger" and "reddish-streaked eyeballs" re "aethiops"
seem to have totally disappeared as`alternate
meanings. BTW I gather you don't favour a Semitic
explanation of 'Ethiopian'?*****

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