Proto-Albanian Timeframes

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 42421
Date: 2005-12-06

I need to complete with other consonantic clusters etc.......

I. Dialectal IE
I.1 o > a
I.2 oi > ai
I.3 ou > au

I.20 sk^ > sk
I.21 k^s > ks

I.40 k^l > kl
I.41 g^(H)l > gl
I.42 Maybe more general k^/{r,l,m,n}? > k
I.43 Maybe more general g^(H)/{r,l,m,n}? > g

I.40 Maybe s/after {r,u,k,i} > sh (Rom. gjuj <-> Alb gjush)

II. Pre-historic times (before sec V BCE)
II.1 n. > a ->shared with Pre-Rom.
II.2 m. > a ->shared with Pre-Rom.
II.3 r. > ri, ir ->shared with Pre-Rom. (see. Rom. Crish)
II.4 r. > ur, ru? ->shared with Pre-Rom.
II.5 l. > li, il ->shared with Pre-Rom.
II.6 l. > ul, lu? ->shared with Pre-Rom.

II.10 g^H > d, dh (Timeframe: I'm not at all sure here) -

II.20 k^ > dz (before sec V BCE)->shared with Pre-Rom.
II.21 g^ > ts (before sec V BCE)->shared with Pre-Rom.

II.30 kw,kW/+ > c^ (before sec V BCE)->shared with Pre-Rom.
II.31 gw,kW/+ > g^ (before sec V BCE)->shared with Pre-Rom.
II.32 k^w,k^W > c^ (before sec V BCE)->shared with Pre-Rom.
II.33 g^w,k^W > g^ (before sec V BCE)->shared with Pre-Rom.

II.40 -tt- [-tst-] > c^

IV. Before Roman Times

IV.20 sk/'some' contexts? > ks (before sec V BCE) ->shared with Pre-

IV.20 sp > ps (before sec V BCE) -> shared with Pre-Rom.

IV.30 e: > a: (later on sec III BCE) -> shared with Pre-Romanians

IV.40 s-/w,accented syllable > zero (later on sec III-II BCE)
-> shared with Pre-Romanians
IV.41 Maybe Also s-/w > d in 'other contexts' ... )

IV.41 s-/accented syllable > gj (later on sec III-II BCE)
-> shared with Pre-Romanians (su:sa: > PAlb gjush <-> Rom. gjuj)

IV.50 dzy > g^ (sec III BCE - sec I BCE)->shared with Pre-Romanians
IV.51 tzy > c^ (sec III BCE - sec I BCE)->shared with Pre-Romanians
IV.52 wi(:)ts- > wdzy > wg^ -> n/a

IV.60 ps > f (later on sec I CE) -> shared with Pre-Romanians
IV.61 ks > h (later on sec I CE) -> shared with Pre-Romanians
IV.63 Maybe s/intervocalic > h (later on sec I BCE) -> ex.gjuhë ->
shared with Pre-Romanians

IV.70 kt > t -> partially Shared with Pre-Romanians where kt > pt
IV.71 pt > t -> Not Shared with Pre-Romanians where kt > pt (and
where pt was preserved)

NOTE: the general rule in PAlb is C1C2 > C2 (C1,C2=stop)
('later' sec II BCE - I CE)

IV.80 a: > o (around sec I BCE - I CE)-> Pre-Romanians preserved
the a:>a (and maybe wa (< a:) in some contexts like initial wa- <
Note: the intermediary stage of a: > *wa remain in place for awhile

PAlb&Pre-Rom. Sounds just before Roman Arrival in Balkans
a:>wa>o, o:, u:, i:
a, u, i, e-ye-ya
ë /&/?
au, eu, iu
ei, ai, ui
dz /3/, ts /c/, c^, g^
s, sh?,
ks>h, ps>f,
w, j?
m, n, l, r
k, g, t, d, dh?
p, b,

V. Roman Times (I CE - VI CE)
V.1 e/stressed > ye,ya (sec I BCE - III CE, (I-BCE ->based on
some Dacian attested words))-> shared with Pre-Romanian

V.10 dz > dh (sec I-II CE) -> Pre-Romanians preserved the dz
V.11 ts > th (sec I-II CE) -> Pre-Romanians preserved the ts

V.20 c^ > ts (sec II-III CE) -> Pre-Romanians preserved the c^
V.21 g^ > dz (sec II-III CE) -> Pre-Romanians preserved the g^

NOTE: in sec II-III the Latin ci was still ki not c^ and the Latin
gi was still gi not g^. So PAlb didn't shared c^,g^ in the same time
with Latin c^, g^ (Latin c^, g^ evolved later and PAlb outputs for
them are gj q)

The main dialectal differences between Proto-Albanians and Pre-
Romanians was in sec I-III CE [0, 300 CE] the following ones:
PAlb o (<a:) <> Pre-Rom a,wa- (<a:)
PAlb th (<ts) <> Pre-Rom ts
PAlb dh (<dz) <> Pre-Rom dz
PAlb dz (<g^) <> Pre-Rom c^
PAlb ts (<c^) <> Pre-Rom g^
PAlb t (<kt,pt) <> Pre-Rom pt
Conclusion: the Pre-Romanians and Proto-Albanians was genetically
linked. Only dialectal differences existed between them in sec I-III
Note: But there were also 'the strange' PRomanian gw/{a,o} > b and
qw/{a,o} > p for an 'unknown source' in my opinion (or we need to
explain that words in Proto-Romanian in a 'different way':
<> Proto-Rom b? (< gw/{a,o})
<> Proto-Rom p? (< qw/{a,o})

V.30 a/unstressed > ë (sec I- III CE) -> shared with PreRom.

V.40 wa- > va- (sec I- III CE) -> Pre-Rom. preserved the wa (<later
wã > wo > o)
V.41 wo- > vo- (sec I- III CE) -> Pre-Rom. preserved the wo (<later
wo > o)
V.42.a we-/stressed > vje- (sec I- III CE) -> shared with PreRom.
V.43.b we-/unstressed > ve- (sec I- III CE) -> PreRom preserved
the we (later we > wã > wo > o -> Rom. hots < *wedz-tsa)

V.50 ai > e (sec II - III CE) -> shared with Pre-Romanians

V.60 lw > ll (sec II- III CE) -> shared with PreRom.
V.61 rw > rr (sec II- III CE) -> shared with PreRom.

End of sec III CE => First Visibles Impacts on the Romanization of
Pre-Romanians (important number of bilingual populations in Balkans)

V.60 o: > e (sec III - IV CE) -> Proto-Romanians preserved o:>o
Note: the intermediary stage *we remained in place for awhile

V.70 dy > dz (sec II - V CE) -> shared with Proto-Romanians
V.71 ty > ts (sec II - V CE) -> shared with Proto-Romanians
V.72 sy > sh (sec II - V CE) -> shared with Proto-Romanians

V.80 k/+ > q (sec IV-VI) -> partial shared with PRom k/+ >c^
V.81 g/+ > gj (sec IV-VI) -> partial shared with PRom g/+ >g^
V.82 y- > gj (sec IV-VI) -> partial shared with PRom y- > g^

V.90 o/unstressed > u (sec V-VI CE) -> shared with PRom.
V.91 b/intervocalic > zero (sec V-VI CE) -> shared with PRom.
V.92 w/intervocalic > zero (sec V-VI CE) -> shared with PRom.
V.93 y/intervocalic > zero (sec V-VI CE) -> shared with PRom.

VI. End of Roman Times (sec V-VII)

VI.1 ns > s (sec IV-V CE)-> shared with PRom.
VI.2 ms > s (sec IV-V CE)-> shared with PRom.

VI.10 Please note in sec V-VI: Proto-Romanian l-rothacism => NOT
shared with PAlbanian

VI.11 kl > kl' (sec V-VI CE) -> shared with PRom
VI.12 gl > gl' (sec V-VI CE) -> shared with PRom
VI.13 ly > l'j (sec V-VI CE) -> shared with PRom
VI.14 ny > n'j (sec V-VI CE) -> shared with PRom

VI.20 Tosk an,am/C > ën,ëm/C (sec V-VI CE) -> shared with ORom.

VI.30 Tosk Rhotacism n/intervocalic > r (sec V-VII CE) -> shared
with Daco-Romanian & Istro-Romanian

V.40 a-,w-,e-/not-stressed > zero (sec V-VI CE) -> partial shared
with PRom.

NOTE-1: Not present in Aromanian and in Gheg
NOTE-2: The n-rothacism is retracted back to n in Daco-Romanian in
sec XIII-XIV in Vallahia and in sec. XVI in Transylvania & Moldova)

End of sec VI - Beg of sec VII => END OF Romanian Albanian Direct
(see below the important number on unshared evolutions in OAlb)
(the end of the contact should be linked with the Slavic Invasion in

VI.10 u: > iu (ui?) > y (sec V-VII CE) -> preserved as u:>u in
VI.11 -u: > -iu > -i (sec V-VII CE) -> preserved as u:>u in PRom.
VI.12 u:/after a labial > i (sec V-VII CE) -> preserved as u:>u in

VI.20 w/round vowel > zero (sec V-VII CE) -> NOT shared with PRom.

VI.31 dz > z (sec VI-VII)-> NOT shared with ORom.
VI.32 ts > s (sec VI-VII)-> NOT shared with ORom.
VI.33 s > sh (sec VI-VII)-> NOT shared with ORom.

VI.40 d/intervocalic > dh (sec V-VII)-> NOT shared with ORom.
VI.42 g/intervocalic > gh (sec V-VII) ???-> NOT shared with ORom.

VI.41 rd > rdh (sec V-VII)-> NOT shared with ORom.

VI.50 nt > nd (sec V-VII)-> NOT shared with ORom.

VII. Slavic Times (sec VII - X)

VII.1 dh/intervocalic > h > zero ( > 3 syllables) (sec VII-X) ->
NOT shared with ORom

VII.2 gh/intervocalic > h > zero ( > 3 syllables) (sec VII-X)
NOT shared with ORom

VII.10 au > a (sec IX - X) -> NOT shared with ORom
VII.11 eu > e (sec IX - X) -> NOT shared with ORom
VII.12 ei > i (sec IX - X) -> NOT shared with ORom
VII.13 a/before i > e (sec IX - X) -> NOT shared with ORom
VII.13 u/before i > y (sec IX - X) -> NOT shared with ORom

VII.20 kl'j > qj (sec VII-XII CE) -> shared with ORom
VII.21 gl'j > gj (sec VII-XII CE) -> shared with ORom

VII.30 l'j > j (sec VII-XII CE) -> shared with ORom

VII.40 n'j/after a stressed syllable > j (after sec X CE) ->
shared with ORom

NOTE: VII.21 to 40 are shared with ORom because the processed was
already started 'End of Roman Times' (and now it only continue its