Re: Albanian vras (and Romanian rãu)

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 42179
Date: 2005-11-20

--- In, "Richard Wordingham"
<richard.wordingham@...> wrote:
> --- In, "alexandru_mg3"
> wrote:
> > For the Latinists:
> >
> > Please note that in Romanian: Lat accented e > Rom je > later
> > retracted to e after r (and not only after r))
> >
> > Samples:
> >
> > a) Rom. ciréS 'sweet cherry tree' > Lat. *ceresius,um > Lat.
> > *ceresus < Lat. cerasus
> >
> > b) Rom întrég 'entire, whole' > PRom *intregum < Lat. integrum
> > (integer)
> >
> > So the derivation: Latin reus > Rom rãu has an issue if we take
> > look at the other examples above.
> But the same issues as Latin deus > Rom. zãu.
> Richard.

You have ignore my examples above cireS and întreg both belonging to
an r-context as rãu, and gave as example of accented e > ã in a d

The rules are:
1. Latin accented e > Rom je

2. Next Rom je > was retracted to e after t, d, s, c, g and r

3. Next this e passed to ã after T, dz, S when in next syllable
there isn't a palatal vowel
so deus > dzãu belong to the rule 3.

Note-1: Next the other forms zeu si Dumnezeu must pe considered
remodeled from the vocative : zee and Dumnezee and from pl. zei and

Note-2: the single exception remain Romanian Ses (that is not Sãs) >
Lat sessus,-um

4. Also je passed to jea and next to ja when in next syllable we
have e, ã (some linguists considering also when we have a)

Lat herba > Rom ierbã > Rom iearbã > Rom iarbã

5. after t, d, s, c (q) the first element of the triphtong jea
dissapeared after it has altered the preceeding consonant in T, dz,
S etc...

6. Later after T, dz, S the diphtong ea was reduced to a. This
change is due also to the rule 3. : e paased to ã after T, dz, S and
next ãa was reduced to a

Ex Lat terra > Rom tjerra> Rom Tjeara> Rom Teara > Rom. Tãara >
Rom Tara

NOTE Rom. zece 'ten' should have arrived to 'zace' (as Rom. zadã <
Lat *deda (=taeda)) but was reshaped based on douãzeci, treizeci

NOTE-2 : Please note also that the diphtong ea didn't change to ãa
and next to a after an initial r : we have Rom. rece 'cold' < reace
(< Lat. recens 'fresh') and not Rom *race < rãace < reace < Lat.
recens so please note again: that this situation confirm what I said
that the ã in rãu cannot be explain 'by rules' from an original
accented Latin e. So the Analogy remains the single source of

Hope this clarify,

P.S. To present the whole picture the ã in rãu is considered to be
sourced by analogy from the non-accented forms like rãutate, înrãi
but being 'the more used that that forms' I have some doubts
regarding this explanation. As I presented, also the semantic
shift 'Lat culprit => Rom bad' is not very usual for a country-side
people (as the Proto-Romanians were) but of course not impossible.