Re: [tied] Anatolian

From: glen gordon
Message: 41567
Date: 2005-10-24

> Once again, there was a single PIE language, [...]

Stating it repeatedly doesn't make it so.

> Just like there was a single Proto-Romance language

Again, no.

> a single Proto-Modern-Greek dialect

Definitely not.

> a single Proto-Indic (Vedic), a single
> Proto-Slavic, a single Proto-Germanic...

No, no and no.

> a single Proto-Altaic, a single Proto-Nostratic,

Clearly you haven't studied the problems existent
in those fields!

> We have no basis for claiming contrary.

We have _every_ basis for claiming the contrary.

> And if you know such a basis, tell me about it.

The constant, unstoppable evolution of language
immediately shows that this viewpoint is false.
Painfully simple.

= gLeN

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