Re: [tied] Re: Ianus - PIE Origin?

From: Grzegorz Jagodzinski
Message: 40375
Date: 2005-09-23

Patrick Ryan wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Daniel J. Milton" <dmilt1896@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 8:24 AM
> Subject: [tied] Re: Ianus - PIE Origin?
> Patrick:
> The dualism expressed by Janus' two faces relates more easily to the
> complementary waxing and waning phases of the moon.

Of course yes! No relation with "going" then.

> If Ja:na was the
> female moon, Ja:nus was probably the male moon-god. As for an
> etymology, my choice would be to derive them from *ya:-, speak
> excitedly, cast a spell'.

Ja:na seems to be a form of Dia:na, "Göttin der Jagd, des Mondes, der
Geburt" (Wörterbuch Lateinisch-Deutsch, G. Löwe et al.). Personally, I see
here the IE alternation *diV ~ *diiV, cf. Greek bio- ~ dzo:- < *gWiio- ~
*gWio-, or Slavic dUva vs Lat. duo '2'.

And what concerns Ja:nus and Dia:na and their meaning, compare Etruscan Tiu,
Tiw 'moon's deity'. Anyway, all the rest, like "going" or "casting"
etymologies, seems like true abstraction. may be a good starting
point for further study.

Diana may be the Latin equivalent of Thalna (and her Latin name may be a
cognomen: Thalna Diana = Thalna daughter of Tiw), Jovis/Juppiter < *Djovis
(~ deus) = Tinia, a sun deity (the result of the difference between IE and
Etruscan mythology), cf. Slavic dInI 'day'. Janus can be the male partner of
Diana, and the form of his name has been formed under the influence of
Etruscan Ani (of 2 possible forms, *Dianus and Janus, the latter won).

Or: Janus is just Etruscan Ani contaminated with Tiw.

Grzegorz J.

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