Tabal and Mushku- Luwian or Kartvellian?

From: Michael Smith
Message: 39879
Date: 2005-09-06

Hi all,

The tribes of the Khaldi, Khalib/Chalybes, Mossynoikoi, Mushki,
Tabali, Kardu, Colchians and Halyzoni (a Pelasgo-Colchian tribe) are
generally believed to have been proto-Kartvellian (South Caucasian)
speakers, and the ancestors of modern Georgians.

However, I was wondering, is there evidence from personal and place
names among the lands of Tabal and Meshech to support that the
Tabali and Mushki were speakers of a proto-Kartvellian (South
Caucasian- ancestor of modern Georgian language) language(s) rather
than Indo-European Luwian?

We know there was a king of the Mushki named Mita, and my
understanding is that this was likely a Luwian name.

In the 8th century B.C., the Assyrian king Tiglath-Pileser III
mentions a king of Tabal named Burutash, I'm not sure what language
this name belongs to. Burutash's father was named Uassarme Hulli,
and his brother was named Ambris. However, I'm not sure if
Burutash, Uassarme Hulli and Ambris were native Tabalians or
foreigners set up as Tabali kings by Tiglath-Pileser III. If they
were Tabalians, can we determine whether their names were Indo-
European, Semitic, or proto-Kartvellian? Ambris sounds Indo-

Also, cities in the land of Tubal included Perria and Shitiuaia, can
a language affiliation be given to these? And does anyone know any
other known kings of the Tabali and Mushki?
