Re: [tied] Dybo's law

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 39666
Date: 2005-08-18

On Thu, 18 Aug 2005 10:42:03 +0000, tgpedersen
<tgpedersen@...> wrote:

>> >Because if 1st sg.'s vowel didn't self-nasalise there must have
>> >a nasal ending which helped. And that must have been -mi or -mu,
>> >with a vowel
>> Obviously without a vowel: the ending is -oN.
>I concluded that for systematic reasons, not because of evidence. If
>3rd sg. and pl. have primary endings, I thought 1st sg. should too.
>> The -N was added comparatively recently. It is absent from
>> PIE (*-o:) and Baltic (Lith. -ù < *-uó < *-o:), and it can't
>> have been present in Proto-Slavic, because *-o:N would have
>> given *-U (raising to u: before N gives *-u:N ; shortening
>> of long diphthongs gives *-uN ; denasalization of high
>> vowels gives *-u ; *-u gives -U). The -N must have been
>> added at least after the raising of back vowels before -N.
>How would your proposed -mW (or -mu?) have done?

That was proposed for pre-PIE, not for post-PSlavic.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal