[tied] Re: Short and long vowels

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 39287
Date: 2005-07-18

>1) In general, pre-PIE short *e, *a and *o (or some similar trio of
>vowels) merged. However, the distinctions were preserved next to

Not true. Based on Lubotsky, the *e *a *o* > *a in Proto-Indo-
Iranian preceded the disparition of the laryngeals.

Lubotsky supposed the following timeframes:

1. Brugmann's Law
2. Vocalization of interconsonantal laryngeals
3. Palatization
4. *e, *a *o merged to *a
5. *h1, *h2 *h3 merged to a common *H
6. Loss of laryngeal before mediae
7. Laryngeal accent shift
8. Laryngeal Metathesis

Best Regards,