Esoteric, but still worth asking

From: C. Darwin Goranson
Message: 38881
Date: 2005-06-22

I came across the Sanscrit word "trimu:rti", which is the Vedic triad
of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The first part of the word I understand
to be 3 (tri-), but "-murti", "form," is said to be of unclear origin.

Though the -t- part is admittedly troublesome, I was struck by the
similarity in meaning and in sound to "morphos" or "morphi"
(>*murphi?). But "ph" and "t" are so different, I'm not sure if they
can be reconciled.

Is there any possible way to connect "-murti" to Indo-European? Or is
is a borrowing?