Re: [tied] Re: Albanian intervocalic s > h

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 38753
Date: 2005-06-19

On 6/19/05, pielewe <wrvermeer@...> wrote:
> ---
> How is it that those who hold that intervocalic *s yielded both _sh_
> and _h_ in Albanian see the relationship between those reflexes?
> W.
Dear Willem,

I will post here just a little fragment of one of longest study on
outcomes of PIE sibilants in Albanian language:

3.1. PIE /*s/ > Alb. /sh/ in initial position
PIE *seuH > Alb. <shi> 'rain' from reduced and extended zero-grade
form *su:- (cf. Greek <hu:etos> 'rain' derived from verb <hu:ein> 'to

PIE *se:sa: > Alb. <shoshë> 'sift' (Pokorny *se:(i)- 'to sift', 889),
probably from reduplicated form (cf. Ang. <sow>, Lat. serere 'id.',
se:men 'seed')

PIE *sek-ti > Alb. <shat> 'hoe' (*kt > tt > t), a suffixed form of PIE
*sek- (Pokorny, 895-896). Cf. Ang. <sickle> , <saw>, Lat. secare 'to
cut', <secu:la> 'sickle').

PIE *septm.-ti > Alb. <shtatë> 'severn' (*pt > tt > t). See Pokorny
*septm.-, 999.

PIE *sel- 'to creep, crawl' > Alb. <shlligë> 'serpent' (Pokorny *sel-5, 900)

3.2. /*s/ > /sh/ in end position

From PIE suffixed form*aiwesya: > eshë 'space, time period' (*ai >e,
*sy > sh) of PIE root *aiw-/*ayu- 'vital energy' (Pokorny, 17-18).

PIE extended form *b(e)u-s-/*bh(e)u-s- 'to swell, puff' is derived
Alb. verb <mbush> 'to fill, heap' (Pokorny, 101).

PIE *bholós 'white' > Alb. <balash> (note the preserving of stressed
ending –ós in adjectives) from PIE, 118-120) in contrast with Alb.
<balë> 'cow or horse with white spot in the forehead'.

PIE *bhes-iyo > fshinj/pshinj 'to clean up, sweep' (Pokorny, 145-146).

PIE *bhreu-s-o:m > Alb. <breshen/breshër> 'hail' (Pokorny, 171)

PIE *dru-sk > Alb. <dushk> 'oak' from suffixed zero-grade form of
*deru-/dreu- 'tree' (Pokorny, *deru-/*dreu-, 214-217).

Supletive aorist form of Alb. <jap> 'to give' (dhashë 'gave' < *dH-sm.).

The origin of Alb. <dash>, pl. <desh> 'ram' Pokorny found in PIE
*dhwes – to blow (268-271) from o-grade form *dhwosi.

Alb. verb <resh> 'to fall in abundance' Pokorny had derived from
variant form *ro:s- of *ere-s (336-337).
