Albanian Toponyms -> showing that Albanians was in today Albania in

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 37641
Date: 2005-05-06

Hello All,
Reading again Hamp's article I want to point out that Çabej has
right : Albanians was in today Albania at least in Roman Times.

Hamp's conclusion:
"Hence for the study of toponyms city names and rivers are best. If
we inspect such names attested by ancient sources, we find that many
follow Albanian phonological development"

I try to resume the list here:

1. "Scardus > Shar; with no metathesis, as in Scardona > Skradin"
=> regular s>sh before 600-700 AC
=> irregular seems here the disparition of k

2. "Scodra > Shkodër; Çabej remarks that sk- > h- belonged to the
pre-Balkan period"
=> s>sh ended before 600-700 AC
=> dra > dër recent so X
=> Very interesting is Çabej's remark: "that sk- > h belonged to
the pre-Balkan period of Proto-Albanians"

I remember Piotr's reserves on this topic:
Piotr: 'where are Albanians H- toponyms?'
But prior to ask this we need to ask : 'What is timeframe of
Albanian sk- > h- ? => 'is at least before 200BC-0AC (before Roman
arrival in Balkans (Lat. sk > Alb. shk)'

Two important conclusions from here :
1. there was a pre-Balkan period of Proto-Albanians as Çabej
said (Abdullah you need to accept this...)
2. BUT for sure the Proto-Albanians arrival in Balkans (more
precisly in +- their today's location):
was before Roman Arrivals in Balkans...
and after the ending of sk > h.
Also they had to arrive 'somewhere from the Nord'...

3. "Barbanna > Buenë is regular, as shown by Jokl (IF 1932: 50.33
ff.), Slavia (1934-1935:13.286 ff.), Glotta (1936:25.121 B.)"
=> before 500 AC

4. "Lissus > Lesh (cf. missa > meshë, etc.);"
=> s>sh ended before 600-700 AC

5. "Dyrrachium > Durrës "
=> for its regularity see Lat. brachium > Rumanian brats => so the
city had a Latin Population and next the c in *Durratsu passed to s
in PAlb
=> PAlb ts (is from a ti-V or from a borrowed ts in that period) >
PAlb s => before 600AC

6. "Isamnus > Ishm (see shkamb < scamnum) "
=> s>sh ended before 600-700 AC
=> mn > m -> I don't have a timeframe yet. I need to check if
the Slavic Loans are affected by this or not.

7. "Drivastum > Drisht" =>
=> s>sh ended before 600-700 AC
=> lost/transformation of intervocalic w => Latin Times before 500 AC
see: Lat. ci:vita:te > Alb. qytet (<-> Rom. cetate)

8. "Shkum(b)î < Scampinus is regular in the Central Albanian dialect,
where pretonic ë > u and mb > m "

9. "Aulwn > Vlorë may perhaps involve a Slavic intermediary"

=> Not true: we have the Tosk n-rothacism here that is older then
any Slavic loans in Albanian.

=> To obtain V the PAlb pronunciation have been : Walona/Waulona
( see Alb. vesh => PAlb *wausi (Lith. ausis)
see Alb. ftuj < PAlb *wet -ulia > Rom. vãtui )

10."Thyamis > Çamëria, as Leake saw in 1814, is accepted by Çabej
however, one might expect s < t (cf. pus 'well' < Lat. puteus)."

Not true => when m is in the next syllable we can have a 'recent' ç-
Alb. qimkë (var.) > Alb. çimkë
Lat. aestima:re > çmoj
so Thyamis > *Tsjamë-rja > Çamëria is possible.

11. "Arachthos > Arta is supposedly better explained by Albanian than
by Greek; but, apart from the surprising syncope, kt should yield ft
or jt, and not t, from that time level"

=> is regular despite Hamp's reserves Lat kt > Alb t is also possible
(it's true via an older *jt)
Lat. fru:ctus > Alb. fryt
Lat. sector > Alb. shat
Lat. factu:ra > Alb. fytyrë

Important Note: here we can detect the Albanian Contact with the
Dalmatian Romance (Lat.kt> Alb. jt > t) not with the Proto-Romanians.
So Arta belong to Dalmatian Romance zone not to Proto-Romanian Zone.

12. "Ragusium (Ragusa) is Rush in Bogdan (1685)"
=> s>sh ended before 600-700 AC
=> attested as "Raousa" Const. Por.
(intervocalic g was lost before au>a)
=> regular Albanian Development
=> Ragusium today Dubrovnik

Best Rergards,

Full Hamp's paragraph:
"Çabej points out that villages in the Balkans are generally of
recent date and changeable settlement. Hence for the study of
toponyms city names and rivers are best. If we inspect such names
attested by ancient sources, we find that many follow Albanian
phonological development: Scardus > Shar, with no metathesis, as in
Scardona > Skradin. Scodra > Shkodër; Çabej remarks that sk- > h-
belonged to the pre-Balkan period, and compares (VII Congresso
internazionale 244), for phonology, shkamb < scamnum and kulshedër <
chersydrus. (Rogame is a recent suffixation in -ame of rëge, and
therefore no problem because of the medial -g-.) Barbanna > Buenë is
regular, as shown by Jokl (IF 1932: 50.33 ff.), Slavia (1934-
1935:13.286 ff.), Glotta (1936:25.121 B.). Lissus > Lesh (cf. missa >
meshë, etc.); Çabej points out (VII Congresso intemazionale 245) that
Latin + CC is regular, a statement I can neither affirm nor control
at the moment. Dyrrachium > Durrës, Isamnus > Ishm, Drivastum >
Drisht show, as Krahe claims, the Illyrian initial accent. Shkum(b)î
< Scampinus is regular in the Central Albanian dialect, where
pretonic ë > u and mb > m are expectable (VII Congresso
internazionale 246). Aulwn > Vlorë may perhaps involve a Slavic
intermediary. Thyamis > Çamëria, as Leake saw in 1814, is accepted by
Çabej; however, one might expect s < t (cf. pus 'well' < Lat.
puteus). Arachthos > Arta is supposedly better explained by Albanian
than by Greek; but, apart from the surprising syncope, kt should
yield ft or jt, and not t, from that time level. Ragusium (Ragusa) is
Rush in Bogdan (1685)"