Re: [tied] The Vlach Connection

From: george knysh
Message: 37537
Date: 2005-05-04

--- alexandru_mg3 <alexandru_mg3@...> wrote:
> Hello All,
> "The Vlach Connection" - is the best 'theory'
> that I could find
> until now related to the "Origin of Romanians" (the
> parallelism with
> the Britain situation is extraordinary ...)
> Please read it, is really great:
> Only the Bests,
> Marius Alexandru

*****GK: What's "great" about it? It starts out with a
falsified linguistic map of Moldova (where are the
Gagauz? Where are the numerous Ukrainian and Russian
enclaves?) and of southern Odesa Province. Eventually,
it provides this ["Hidden from history, like other
Dark Age migrations, the Roman evacuees from Dacia
could well have, in returning, provided the additional
impetus of Latinization that erased the vestiges of
the ancient Dacian language. Nor need this have been
an all-at-once process"] as its key argument for the
mass presence of Romanians north of the Danube long
before the 12th century. The problem here is that what
is "hidden from history" is also hidden from
archaeology. There is no evidence of a mass or
continuous influx of carriers of the material culture
of the Roman Dacias northward after 602 AD. So the
'theory' is totally speculative, or, to use your
preferred terminology, totally "ideological". And, of
course, totally worthless.*****

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