Re: Avestan ? Please, please, please

From: Gordon Barlow
Message: 36862
Date: 2005-03-27

>I am researching a group of related items and am trying to understand
>the roots and etymologies of their names:
>1) The Zoroastrian deity Tishtrya
>2) The supposed Vedic correlate Tishya
>3) How Tishtrya produces the later name Tir for the same deity

Is it conceivable that "Tishtrya" was a composite name of two parts - Tish
and Trya? If that were so, then it might not be true to say that Tishtrya
*produced* Trya/Tyr/Tiw/Zeus/etc. I think there may have been quite a bit
more god-swapping and god-adoption than is sometimes acknowledged. I rather
like the thought that Jupiter might have begun life as a composite form of
the Egyptian gods Shu and Ptah. Could be.
