Re: Stative Verbs, or Perfect Tense

From: tgpedersen
Message: 36526
Date: 2005-02-28

> Other examples could be proposed, especially of lexicalised
> substantivisations, e.g. *dHe-dH(h1)- '(coagulated) milk' (from
> *dHeh1i-), perhaps *me-ms- 'meat' (speculatively, from
> *meh1-/*met-/*mes- 'cut into portions' [--> 'mete out, measure'],
> Skt. masti- 'measuring').

Kuhn has an article on the alternation -tt- ~ -ss- in Nordwestblock,
cf hatt- ~ Latin cassis "helmet", Chatti ~ Hessen. The
-t- + -t > -ss- in Germanic, Italic and Celtic ppp.'s could be the
result of a rule -tt- > -ss- in a substrate language, and -tt- the
unchanged variant, hence the mixture of forms. Cf Latin matta and
massa (with -a-), and Dutch mes "knife".
