Historical development ofpassive/dponent forms in Scandinavian

From: aquila_grande
Message: 36191
Date: 2005-02-09

These forms has been discussed in another thread. It may be
interesting to look at their historical development.

They originate in a contraction of the cerbal forms with the
reflexive pronoun sic = himself/herself. Originally the reflexive
use was perhaps predominnt.

However, they gradully was used steadily more in the passive sence.
This is the predominant use today.

Deponent verbs also developed, I think these often are a reminder of
the reflexive use.

Nowadays, at least in Norwegian, these formes are steadily more used
in a resiprocal way, ex:

vi snakkes imorgen. - We speak with each other tomorrow.

Når møtes vi? When will we meet (each other)

Vi ses. - We will see each other.

The resiprocal pronoun "hverandre" - each other has nearly become
obolete in combination with many common verbs.