[tied] Re: Balto-Slavic -RHj-?

From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 35822
Date: 2005-01-05

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@...> wrote:

> But the Balto-Slavic reflexes suggest a syllabification
> gWr.-Hyé > gir-jé- with no acute in the first syllable. I
> must say I had never heard of Pinault's law, but if that is
> correct, it's not just a Balto-Slavic thing, but general
> PIE.

In his article "Komentarz laryngalistyczny do wybranych formacij
litewskich" Smoczyn'ski supposes that in Lithuanian "Szereg
pierwiastków ultimae laryngalis typu -RH pokazuje utrzymanie lrg.
przed obstruentowym sufiksem -t- infinitivi (sta,d akut), ale jej
zanik w formacji praesens a sufiksem -jo- (sta,d paradygmat
ruchomy)". Unfortunately, he as well doesn't explain what in his
opinion the reflexes of *-RH-je- would be had the laryngeal not
