Budvar [Re: var-oS]

From: g
Message: 35358
Date: 2004-12-07

>> How about Budvar? (In Ceske Budejovice.) [...]
>>> Petusek
>> George
> George, a great example, Budvar is an acronym of "Bude^jovicky'
> pivovar",
> i.e. "The Bude^jovice Brewery", where "pivo-" means "beer" and "var"
> means
> "to boil" (< IE *wer- , as I've metioned), i.e. also "to brew".

Hehe, indeed "great." Thank you, I learnt something new. (It could be
that I never paid real attention to the tags (in German) on the bottles
sold here, where Budvar might be translated as "Budweiser Bräu" or
"Budweiser Brauerei").

(BTW, off-topic: does Budvar belong to the South-African giant SAB
