Re: [tied] Re: Your historical timeline

From: alex
Message: 35299
Date: 2004-12-04

george knysh wrote:
>> Thermidava could have been build at last in the time
>> of Burebista, I will
>> say. A later time seems imposible due the Roman
>> occupation of the region.
> ****GK: I don't see the impossibility I'm afraid. The
> Illyrians retained much autonomy under Roman rule,
> even after their rebellions.
> And the emergence of a
> Dacian-named city presents a historical problem no
> matter what time one picks for this. In any case it
> would be an enclave, hardly determining the political,
> ethnic, or linguistic identity of the broader
> area.*****

Theoretically you are right meaning there should be a possiblity of having a
new city called "-dava" after Roman conquest. I guess one should try to see
if there has been other parales which will speak for an such event before or
after Roman conquest of Ilira & Dacia. I am afraid the facts speaks for a
time before Romans. Let see the paralels extraced by Pogirc where he compare
the hidronomy and toponimy of Dacia with Ilira and where he finds more
paralels as these between Dacia and Thracia propia dictam.
I will quote his french text here:

"Un nombre important de correspondances se troube aussi du c�t�
d. Apulum; ill. Apulia, d. Arpis; ill. Arpi; d. Arutela: ill. Arra; d.
Bersobia: ill. Bersellum, Birziminium; d. Blandiana: ill. Blandona; d.
Brucla: ill. Breuci; d. Burridava: ill. Burnum; d. Butae; ill. Butua, d.
Certiae: ill. Certissa; d. Gazana: ill. Genzana, d. Malva: ill. Malvesa,
Malvesatium; d. Netindava: ill. Nedinum, Netabium; d. Patavissa: ven.
Patavium, d. Pirum, Piroboridava: ill. Piraei; d. Sarmizegetusa: ill.
Sarminium, d. Trifulon: ill. Tribulium, ec."

Interesting, huh? It appears a such ample corespondance (even if not 100%
right) will comme to assist the ideea the mingling of the Ilirians with
Dacians did indeed happen in the time of Getic Migration, some centuries
befor Christus and not in the time of Romans.
