Re: [tied] PIE 'brow'

From: alex
Message: 35026
Date: 2004-11-09

whetex_lewx wrote:
> Why *h3kW-bHr-u- is expressed as h3 but not as h2? In Lithuanian h3
> mutates as -uo-, but this reconstructed h3kw- is related to akis
> (eye) (short -a- vowel).
> Latin acies - of the eye? Sanscrit ak-; Latvian acis, Armenian aku
> and etc... Couldn't be eye in PIE not h3kw-, but akw- (short a
> sound, which became o in Latin and relicts of short -a- are visible
> only in secondary Latin forms?

Greek has an "o" too, Germanic speak for an "o" as well, Latin presents too
an "o", Slavic has an "o" as well.
Apparently hard to consider the "a" there.
