[tied] Re: Latin [homo] from PIE *dhgho_mon- = Earth dweller?

From: Anthony Appleyard
Message: 33896
Date: 2004-08-27

--- "Piotr Gasiorowski" <gpiotr@...> wrote:
> ... it's genetically different from the *-on- of *ték^þ-on-, ...
> *ték^þ-on- from a verb ('to fashion')!

I thought that in equations like Greek [-khth-] / [-kt-]
= Sanskrit [-ks.-], the kþ "k-thorn" theory was disproved by forms
such as Tocharian-A [tkam]. In Greek, [-tk-] became [-kt-] with
metathesis. In Sanskrit, which is a satem language, [-tk-] became [-
ts.-] which became [-ks.-]. In Sanskrit the consonant sequence [-ks.-
] is so common that there is a special Devanagari and Gujarati letter
pronounced [ks.a].