big-mouth 'brbljiv' or crazy 'brljiv' Milosevic

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 33823
Date: 2004-08-22

In the Tribunal against Milosevic many have translated, probably by
mistake, big-mouth Milosevic, instead of <brbljiv> 'talkative' with
<brljiv> 'mad, crazy'.
I made this vorschalg just for fun, for I am much more interested in
the meaning of the adjective <brljiv> 'anger, crazy, mad' in South-
Slavic and Alb. <bërlyket> 'to make sharp horns, to bellow from
anger', <bërlivet> 'to get crazy'.
I wonder could these words can be related to PIE root *bherg-`to
break', extended in suffix –il (cf. Lat. fragilis `breakable')
through metathesis g – l > l – g?
It's quite interesting that English synonym <burst> is also closely
related to Alb. <sh-përthej> `to burst' (*st > Alb. th, like *zd >
Alb. dh).
