Albanian 'son'

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 33800
Date: 2004-08-17

I guess, taking into consideration other derivatives (specially Latv.
<dels> 'son', Sl. <dijete> 'id.' and Latin <filius>, of PIE root
*dhei- 'to suck', indeed its extended form *dels-) that Alb.
<djalë> 'id.' is also derived from *dels-eh2, for stressed /e/ before
secondar cluaster and in closed syllable yields Alb./ja/, so
derivation *dels-eh2 > djalë, as semantically, as phonetically is
correct. Albanian noun is neuter one and has plural <djelm/djem>,
abtractum <djelni>, that explain its umlauted form, besides other
forms <djemni/djemuri> through assimilation of cluster ln > mn like
in *supnos > gjumnë > gjumë.

Any comment?
