Re: IE lexical accent: corr.

From: elmeras2000
Message: 33464
Date: 2004-07-10

In the preceding post I happened to switch around the single and
double asterisks, trying for once to keep different degrees of
abstraction apart. The part that suffered should have been:

" By this simple rule a paradigm like *té:k^T-t, *ték^T-n.t (Ved.
tá:s.t.i, táks.ati) can be derived from an earlier regular set
**té:k^T-t, **te:k^t-ént, in a fashion quite parallel with the
derivation of *H1éy-t, *H1y-ént (Ved. éti, yánti) from earlier
**H1éy-t, **H1ey-ént. "
