Re: Gallia Transpadana placenames

From: CG
Message: 32724
Date: 2004-05-18

> Dear all,
> I have published a new page concerning placenames of Gallia
Transpadana (XI regio of Augustean Italy):
> on my web site about Toponymy:
> Thanks for the attention. Any comment is welcome.

Antonio - over all pretty good, but there are a number of
etymological errors (I don't have the time to go into them right
now). Have you consulted Xavier Delamarre's "Dictionnaire de la
langue gauloise"? If not, you really should purchase a copy - it is
one of the best sources for the study of Gallo-Brittonic onomastic
material, and reflects current scholorship on the subject. I never
atempt Gaulish etymologies without it now.

- Chris Gwinn